Monday, November 3, 2008

I thought he was going to get stabbed

Watch this, it happend about two years ago.

So, apparently Ray Comfort and the camera man who shot this were walking down by the pier in this city a few days ago, and the camera says, Remember those guys Kirk witnessed to a few years ago, the ones we thought were going to but him? I think that's one over there.So they go over and ray comfort asks him, Um sir, are you in a gang?And the guy says, No sir. I'm a Christian.And Ray Comfort says, Umm Sir, about two or three years ago, did you have a talk with a fellow named Kirk Cameron about Jesus here on this peir? And he says, Yes sir, we did. I'm a Christian now, and I feel terrible about what happened that day. I was drunk and I was a fool, and God has saved me now, and I'm living for the Lord. And the other guy Kirk talked to, he's gotten saved too. He's no longer a robber, he's no longer getting drunk, he's married, and he's teaching Sunday School.The power of God. To take a completely corrupt mass, and remake it into something beautiul.:-)How wonderful to have these brothers.

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