Monday, June 30, 2008

I made this story into a skit I want to perform at church.

(This is a story from a Paul Washer sermon) There was a group of early Christians that were meeting and they were worshipping Jesus. They sat there with their Bibles and they prayed to the Lord and talked about Him and His Grace and mercy. Suddenly they heard a faint booming sound and all their heads whipped around. The booming got louder and louder and louder and over the hill comes a brigade of Roman Soldiers carrying an altar with a little bowl of incense on it. The Roman Soldiers come and they bring forth the altar and they look at the believers and they say, "Come pay Homage to Ceasar your lord." One of the group went up, took a pinch fo ash and placed it on the altar and said, "Caesar is Lord." Another came up and did the same. Then one of the Believers came up, sweating and trembling before the Romans. They looked at him and tell him to pay homage. He picked up some ash and said, "Jesus Christ is Lord." And they kill him. Then one by one the believers came up trembling with fear and declared, "Jesus Christ is Lord", and the Romans slaughtered them all as they came foward like lambs to the slaughter. Then the Roman's picked up their altar and went on.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

My Testimony

So, I was thinking about God, and how I really just want to talk about Him on this blog. I've been watching Youtube/Godtube videos, and there are all these people just preaching on there. Sooo many people. Even children. That got me right there. Seeing a little boy on camera talking about Bible passages and what the Holy Spirit had led him to read and understand. It was like God said, "HEY! What are you doing? You want to be a preacher, but you're trying to wait until later to do it. You can do it now!" So I've been thinking, and I really want to use this blog to talk about Him and His Word, basically preach. And then I got a comment from Ms. Brenda saying to pray to God to use my blog to glorify Him. Hahaha, that's God right there. So here I am, and I'm about to tell you my testimony. I figure this is a good place to start so you can know a bit about me, and how much God has really changed my life.

So, I was raised in a "Christian" home. And whenever I use it like, "Christian", I mean people who say they are, they go to church, but they really don't believe or do God's Will. My parents would take my sister and me to an old old church in the middle of nowhere full of older people where my Grandpa would preach. He would get into it and be yelling and chanting and praising God and just full of the Holy Spirit, and I'd be playing tic-tac-toe with my sister. hahaha I was little. When I was about 12 we really stopped going to church. I mean, I wasn't a believer then. Sure, God was real. Sure, satan was real. But I didn't get it of course. we stopped going to church and the world crept into me more than it was. At about the age of 13 I became agnostic/atheist. God had no real part in my life and I really didn't believe in Him. My life was pretty crappy by the way. I was always laughed at or feeling like I was being laughed at, I was ashamed of my body and how large I was, I was ashamed at how stupid and silly I was, I felt like no one loved me, and I was very depressed. I remember I was so depressed I'd lie in bed with a knife some nights, and then I'd get angry with myself because I was to cowardly to kill myself. Thank God I was. A lot of this depression was coming from my father who was always so far-away and uncaring about me besides making me an athlete. That was really all he cared about. I'd have band concerts and my mom would be there, and I'd say where is daddy? Then she'd say something like, "He couldn't make it" or something. After a while I just stopped asking. My life felt so bad even though it was actuallu very good. I tried so much to make myself feel better. I tried witchcraft, satanism, atheism, I even made up my own gods. None of them did anything to stop all the craziness of life. I remember being taught the theory of evolution and shown all the "evidence" that supports it, and I was hooked by one of the most persuasive lies ever to come out of Satan's mouth. I remember being in Honors Biology in 9th grade and seeing believers and thinking how I wished I could be that stupid to believe in God. I really wanted to believe, but I had so many doubts. Then one of my friends invited me to their church which was held in her house. It was nice because I got to hang out with a friend and go to church in their nice cozy church. It was then that God began to work in me I think. He softened my heart a little by little, but I was going to church for the girl rather than for Him. Then Tiffany and I started dating and she invited me to her church and I started going there, once again for her rather than for Him. God really worked through Tiff, Celebration, and other things to speak to me and to show me how real He was. Now, I knew He was there, I had no doubts, but I was not saved. I remember I was so scared of Hell, and I wanted the assurances other people had. I thought God was basically a fire extinguisher. I prayed the sinner's prayer one night, and I cried and called out to God. Hahaha, I thought I was saved, but I went right on back into the same sin I had been doing beforehand. For two years I had been doing this sin. TWO years. And the single longest time I could hold it off without God, just by my own power was a week. A week. I thought I was saved, yet I went right back to doing it. I feel like, that night God prepared me for what was to happen at Chrysalis by opening me up to want salvation for other reasons than for myself. Chrysalis really was an amazing experience and I highly recommend people going there. The three days I spent up there really got me in touch with God. You don't realize how much of a hold the world has on you until you're taken out of it. You don't realize how much of grip Satan has on your life until God shows you. There's so much people don't realize becasue the culture we live in is so saturated with Satan's presence. It makes me sad to see so many people decieved in this world. Chrysalis showed me the truth of the Word. God worked through there to really show me how evil and ugly I was to Him. How much I needed a savior. How much He loved me. I was faced with the ugly, disgusting monster of my sin and I was going to be devoured with Hellfire. I knew it. I was scared to death. The only thing I could do was submit to Him, and beg Him to save me. To repent and hate the sin. Hahaha, and He let me. He saved me and broke me on the capstone then rebuilt me into a new man. I am completely new. I have laid down all the sins that took control of me and have focused my life on Him because He is worthy.

That's my testimony

Friday, June 27, 2008

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Today was pretty interesting

So today was Thursday and it was pretty fun. First off I woke up about 7:30 and tryed over and over again to reach Tiff to see if she needed me to take her to guard practice. My mom finally went up to her door while she was taking Lil Sis to Guard and Tiff had just woken up. Hahaha. Then I went to the gas station and when I came back and pulled into my driveway I scraped my wheel against the concrete things on the side of the beginning of my driveway and it was pretty badly scratched, but it's fine. Then I just cleaned around the house until 3. Then Tiff and I went up to Kroger to use the Coinstar. It was so LOUD! So loud. Tiff had $27 and I had only $14. Hahaha then she bought our lunches against my many complaints and grumbling that I was the boyfriend and I was supposed to buy stuff. Hahaha. Then I took her to work and got stuff for the Youth POOL PARTY! Hahaha, it was a lot of fun. Orangey, Kay, the Singer, and lots of other people were there. We had a blast. We played games and ate hot dogs and had fun. Then I came home and now here I am! hahaha today was a lot of fun and I learned a lot about people. Yesterday was better though. We went witnessing and it was a butt-load of fun. Hahaha, 98 degrees walking door to door to people who don't want to be woken up, but God was in it so we had joy! There weren't a lot of people who wanted to talk to us. I think it was cause we were a little awkward as well. Orangey, Kay, and the singer all went with me to a very rich neighborhood. Brother Jim said it was the hardest neighborhood to witness to since it was so rich. They think they have everything they need. Next time we're going to go to a poorer neighborhood to see what it's like there. Also before we went witnessing, we met at the church. Brother Jim got a phone call there and it was a lady whose mother needed help with her floor. So we went and talked to her, and next Thursday about 5-6 of us are going to help rebuild her floor. Man, we had so much fun. Then Brother Jim taught out youth service wednesday night, and he talked to us about being the body of Christ. It was a great speech, and at the end he asked us what we all felt like God was calling us to do. He called on me first, and I told him that I feel like God wants me to be a preacher. God's continuing to put obstacles and experiences in my path that I ask for, so I'm feeling more confident that this is God's Will. God bless you all Ghost audience.

Friday, June 20, 2008


Hahaha, I had my birthday party yesterday, quite a while after my birthday because so many people were outta town for a long time. Tiff, Big Brotha Tuba Man, KMart, Wesley, Orangey, and Mohonic came over to swim, eat, and watch a movie. Tiff and Wesley couldn't come for awhile, and Orangey forgot his swim trunks. So BBTM, Kmart, Mohonic, and I were all in the pool playing Volleyball with no net. My mom was taking tons of pictures. Then when everyone was there we played Categories. It was pretty fun. After that we all went on the porch and ate Pizza and Cookie Cake. WHO WANTS....PIZZA!? If you didn't just think or whisper to yourself, I do, then you're either a liar or you just ate a lot of pizza. Cookie Cake is definitely the best kind of cake. Chocolate? No. Ice Cream? Ehh, maybe. Cookie? YES PLEASE! After the deliciousness of the eating of the food, us guys went crazy with the hundred or so water balloons. I tried to get Tiff and Kmart and Mohonic to play, but they didn't want to. The first one I used I got Wesley with and I thought, Hmm if i throw it he'll dodge it. So I got really close and made a throwing motion with my arm and popped it in my hand so all the water flew straight at him. It worked really well. Then we all dried off and watched Be Kind Rewind. It was pretty cool. Everyone left and I stayed up till one buying good worship music and audiobooks of the Bible with the 50 dollars of itunes I got. I got a lot of new music and the book of Matthew and still have 37 dollars. So that was yesterday and today I have nothing to do except wait for Tiff to come over so we can go swimming. It'll be fun. Bye Ghost audience.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Just so sleepy

You know the true test of keyboarding skills comes at 10:38 pm after a long day, half-asleep, with the blanket blocking your view of the keyboard. The backspace key hasn't been used this much since it got really really icy cold in my house and my hands kept shaking. So today has been long, but fun. Got up and cleaned. Picked up Tiff from Guard practice. Gave my two Shitzus(Abby and Lizzy) a bath. Funny for me, not so fun for them. They HATE baths. My mom came home from the Hospital. I prayed a lot today, asking God to open people's hearts to Him and using me for His purpose. If you read this, feel free to pray for me. I'll pray for you if you'll pray for me ;-). Anyways, our reunion group (a group of people who've been to Chrysalis/Journey/Emmaus and act kinda like a second family) met for the second time. It was just Mrs. Brenda, Her Husband, Tiff, and I. Oh and their children. I learned a lot about Mrs. Brenda and her Husband. I look up to and love them so much (and not just because she's probably reading this). I remember on Tiff and my way home how she wants to be like them when she's married. OH! And I learned Mrs. Brenda's husband also played Tuba! I was so excited! I must talk to him about his tubaing experiences sometime soon, but for now it's beddy-bye time. Night ya'll. Actually, night no one but myself.

Monday, June 16, 2008

My mother,

Or Motherrrrrrrrr as Tiff (My best and girl friend) would say, is in the Hospital having her appendix taken out. She had pneumonia and appendicitis!!! CRAZY! I know I don't seem too worried, but that's cause I'm not. If she dies (I know she's not likely to die from this, but still, anything could happen) God will have taken her home, and I'll be happy for her. I have no doubt that she will go to Heaven if she dies. I'd rather her be in Paradise with Jesus than on this crummy earth. So today I've just been driving and sleeping. I slept in the MOST comfortable bed ever! Well, except the ones on the cruise boat the band took to Mexico. Those were great. It was in my sister Jennye's house. I slept there last night since my mom was in the Hospital. It's just a little twin-sized mattress. I stayed up pretty late and finished a great book (Justification and Regeneration by Charles Leiter) Then fell asleep on that Mattress. Oh my. It was a great sleep. I dreamed some nice dreams. I was on The Price is Right and like broke every rule, but it was ok. Then I woke up and went in the living room and they were watching it! CRAZY! But it had just turned the TV on, so I hadn't heard it while sleeping! Man, I love stuff like that. Just little coincidences in my life that just give me a little adrenaline rush of excitement at how great He is. Went to see my Mom at the Hospital. She was fine and a little grumpy. Applied at a few jobs. Went home, read some Bible. Went to Tiff's house for a short amount of time. Came home and realized how silly I've been by not continuing things I've started. Now I'm here, posting this for an as yet non-existant audience. Thank you, thank you, writing for you has been most pleasurable ghost patrons!

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Mrs. Brenda had one, and it was pretty cool. So I want to try it out. Hello? Hello, o, o, o. Kinda empty, eh? Let's filler up then. Oh yeah, I type the way I talk. Ya'll, whatcha, gonna, talkin, etc...
So, I'm pretty weird. I'm in a kinda weird part of life right now though. Not physically, but spiritually. I'm closer and growing closer to God everyday. I see who I used to be and I'm glad Jesus saved me and changed me from it, but I also have no idea who I'm going to be in even a year. The best I can do is let God put one of my feet in front of the other and continue on. Read the Bible. Learn as much as I can about it. Open my heart, mind, and soul to God and just let Him lead me like the Sheep I am. Is sheep singular? It doesn't sound it. I feel called to be a preacher, and I want to be as well. It's the only job I can think of that I'd like to do and bring glory to God. I want to be the crazy old man on the side of the street dancing with a sign that says, "JESUS IS AWESOME!".