Thursday, June 26, 2008

Today was pretty interesting

So today was Thursday and it was pretty fun. First off I woke up about 7:30 and tryed over and over again to reach Tiff to see if she needed me to take her to guard practice. My mom finally went up to her door while she was taking Lil Sis to Guard and Tiff had just woken up. Hahaha. Then I went to the gas station and when I came back and pulled into my driveway I scraped my wheel against the concrete things on the side of the beginning of my driveway and it was pretty badly scratched, but it's fine. Then I just cleaned around the house until 3. Then Tiff and I went up to Kroger to use the Coinstar. It was so LOUD! So loud. Tiff had $27 and I had only $14. Hahaha then she bought our lunches against my many complaints and grumbling that I was the boyfriend and I was supposed to buy stuff. Hahaha. Then I took her to work and got stuff for the Youth POOL PARTY! Hahaha, it was a lot of fun. Orangey, Kay, the Singer, and lots of other people were there. We had a blast. We played games and ate hot dogs and had fun. Then I came home and now here I am! hahaha today was a lot of fun and I learned a lot about people. Yesterday was better though. We went witnessing and it was a butt-load of fun. Hahaha, 98 degrees walking door to door to people who don't want to be woken up, but God was in it so we had joy! There weren't a lot of people who wanted to talk to us. I think it was cause we were a little awkward as well. Orangey, Kay, and the singer all went with me to a very rich neighborhood. Brother Jim said it was the hardest neighborhood to witness to since it was so rich. They think they have everything they need. Next time we're going to go to a poorer neighborhood to see what it's like there. Also before we went witnessing, we met at the church. Brother Jim got a phone call there and it was a lady whose mother needed help with her floor. So we went and talked to her, and next Thursday about 5-6 of us are going to help rebuild her floor. Man, we had so much fun. Then Brother Jim taught out youth service wednesday night, and he talked to us about being the body of Christ. It was a great speech, and at the end he asked us what we all felt like God was calling us to do. He called on me first, and I told him that I feel like God wants me to be a preacher. God's continuing to put obstacles and experiences in my path that I ask for, so I'm feeling more confident that this is God's Will. God bless you all Ghost audience.

1 comment:

Nikioliee! said...

again ghost?? not me!! hmph! welp ttyl!! oh yeah and that was awesome your right!!