Monday, June 16, 2008

My mother,

Or Motherrrrrrrrr as Tiff (My best and girl friend) would say, is in the Hospital having her appendix taken out. She had pneumonia and appendicitis!!! CRAZY! I know I don't seem too worried, but that's cause I'm not. If she dies (I know she's not likely to die from this, but still, anything could happen) God will have taken her home, and I'll be happy for her. I have no doubt that she will go to Heaven if she dies. I'd rather her be in Paradise with Jesus than on this crummy earth. So today I've just been driving and sleeping. I slept in the MOST comfortable bed ever! Well, except the ones on the cruise boat the band took to Mexico. Those were great. It was in my sister Jennye's house. I slept there last night since my mom was in the Hospital. It's just a little twin-sized mattress. I stayed up pretty late and finished a great book (Justification and Regeneration by Charles Leiter) Then fell asleep on that Mattress. Oh my. It was a great sleep. I dreamed some nice dreams. I was on The Price is Right and like broke every rule, but it was ok. Then I woke up and went in the living room and they were watching it! CRAZY! But it had just turned the TV on, so I hadn't heard it while sleeping! Man, I love stuff like that. Just little coincidences in my life that just give me a little adrenaline rush of excitement at how great He is. Went to see my Mom at the Hospital. She was fine and a little grumpy. Applied at a few jobs. Went home, read some Bible. Went to Tiff's house for a short amount of time. Came home and realized how silly I've been by not continuing things I've started. Now I'm here, posting this for an as yet non-existant audience. Thank you, thank you, writing for you has been most pleasurable ghost patrons!

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