Sunday, August 3, 2008

David Ring

Was amazing. He's a very Godly man. His sermon was touching, powerful, inspiring, and made me so happy. He addressed some issues I've been having and I really heard God calling to me. I had some great prayer time with God tonight and I feel so invigorated. Our walks don't get to a place and stop. There are always challenges and there's always room to grow. As Leonard Ravenhill once put it, "Take this from an old man, there is no finality to the Christian life this side of eternity." I'd been worried because there always seemed so much that I was doing wrong or not getting or failing at, but God brings us through those things so that by our faith in Him and reliance on Him that we might be grown in our relationship with Him. And there isn't a point where God says, "Alright we're done with you Jacob. You're done being conformed to Christ's image." God's always going to be challenging us and growing us and making us more and more His. As long as we have faith in God and Christ and trust in them then everything we go through and everything that happens works for our good. How do I know? The Bible tells us this. Look at David Ring, He had a disability, but as soon as he trusted in God and had faith then God worked his Cerebal Palsy to his good and growth. God is amazing. He can take our worst faults and change them into our strongest strengths! Praise and glory Him. I love ya'll

1 comment:

Nikioliee! said...

amen brother!! haha and i def agree with the open minded comment.