Sunday, August 17, 2008

Which way is right?

With millions of religions, why should we choose Christianity. If a lost person asks us why Christianity is better than any other way, what would you tell them? Hmm? Because being a Christian ensures you a good, prosperous life? WRONG. We're told the world will hate us because if you're a true Christian, God has set you apart from the world and has made us different. Which is why the world hates us and why we will face persecution and be made fun of. What we preach is foolishness to the Gentiles. So why is Christianity better than any other religion? Why is Christ the only way? What's your answer? Mr. Kerry talked about it a little this morning in Sunday School and that led me to make this blog. Let's take a look at other world religions. Most every religion agrees Murder, Stealing, Lying, etc. Is wrong. That they are sin. That if you do these things you will not make it into "heaven". That if you love other people and do your best you will make it into "heaven". By "heaven" I mean whichever religion's version of the good afterlife. So what do all other religions say to do to get to "heaven"? Be a good person, do your best, don't be bad, and live a good life helping people. If you do something bad, do something good and it'll go away. Tell a lie, give $50 to charity. What does Christianity teach? If you think it teaches those things you're wrong my friend. The Bible states it pretty clearly when it says our best works are like filthy rags to God. Let's be honest with ourselves, how often do you act as righteous and pure as you possibly can? Maybe once or twice a year at most. That's the best you can do, but it's still like filthy rags to God. What about all the other times when you're not doing your best? That's even worse to God. We're so steeped in sin, that any amount of good things we do will never make up for it all. No matter how much we do, we'll never earn our way into Heaven. God knows this and He wants us to be with Him, but the only way He can do that is to make a way for us to be forgiven. He did this through Christ. You ask anyone, "Do you think you're a good person?" 98% Will say yes. Take them through 3 of the 10 Commandments. "Do you think you're a good person?" No. Have you ever lied? Just one lie is breaking the commandment. Ever stolen something, value is irrelevant. Just taking something that is not yours is breaking the commandment. Ever lust after someone, thereby commiting adultery with her in your heart? Just once, and that's adultery. You're a lying, thieving, adulterer at heart my friend. If God looks at you, and just sees those three things, you still are going to get punished. No matter how many good things you've done. Because the good things you do don't make up for the bad things you have done. It's like a judge convicts you for murder, but you say you've given to charity for the last 30 years. Doesn't matter. You broke the law, you have to pay the punishment for it. But God, out of His loving, merciful nature gave us a way to avoid the punishment for what we deserve, Hell. See, Christianity says that there isn't anything we can do on our own to merit salvation and Heaven, but other religions say there is. In fact most every other religion says that you have to do this or you have to do that and have to act this way to earn God's favor. Why are there so many religions like this? Because we want to be able to earn it, we want to be able to boast about it. There is a way that seems right unto men, but it leads to Death. The only way, the only truth, and the only light is to rely and trust in Jesus Christ. :-) I'm so happy I do. if you don't I implore you to speak with me and explain to me why you do not.


Nikioliee! said...

nothing really ive been having some down moments and some bad turn of events but im fine. thanks for asking bro.

Bethany said...

I'm great!!! How are you doin?

Bethany said...

In response to "which way is right":
Jacob, great post btw, but I honestly believe that many of those religions are created to make money. The man who thought up astrology said himself that the best way to make money is to create your own religion. Thus, we get scientology and various other "religions". However, I do believe that we can learn from other cultures and their religions, of course not necessarily in a biblical way, but I do believe that every culture is beautiful, even if they do not believe in Christ, they are still loved by him and it is our duty to tell them how to come to Christ, not always change their beliefs, but teach them about Christ's love (as you taught a couple sunday nights ago =)). There have been many people of the Islam faith to come to Christ, and actually in many ways Islam is not so different from Christianity, you know, besides the Christ part lol. But muslim actually means follower of god, and if we can reach out to them and incorporate Christ into their beliefs, many more can be saved. You're awesome Jacob and you have an awesome way of thinking. I'm glad to say that we are friends =]

Bethany said...

we definatly are! God has it under control =) when r u preachin again?