Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Just some thoughts

It's been a slow school year so far. It's the beginning of the 2nd month of my junior year and I just can't muster up the excitement over High School I used to. Maybe it's because it's not as new to me, but the main reason I think is because I see how almost pointless a lot of the things I learn are. Even Marching Band which I used to love now seems like a waste of time to me. I was out on the field today during 3rd block with my tuba on and all I could think was, "Why am I doing this? This thing is so meaningless if I'm not doing it for God's Glory. It will pass away with all the rest of the world." I think the same thing through a lot of my school day. All I can do is enjoy what God has given it and give it back to Him in using it to glorify Him. By this I mean, instead of hating school (or substitute work or whatever activity you are in that you feel wastes your time) I should be using the oppurtunities it presents to further the Kingdom. When I have a chance, talk to people, hand out tracts, read my Bible, pray, or just worship. Engage my teachers in religious conversations if I see an opening during class. Christ didn't grumble that He didn't like the particular mount or the kinds of trees that were there when He gave the Sermon on the Mount. He saw an oppurtunity to spread the Kingdom and minister to people, and He took it. So as He is we should be. That's something else I've learned about and am trying and praying to take hold in my life, being conformed to the image of Christ. We pray and beg God to use us and to let us bring Glory to His name, but we're focusing on what we can do for God instead of what God wants for us. There was a time when witnessing and evangelism was an idol for me because I focused on doing things for God more than God. Do ya'll know what that is? That's idolatry. Before you go rushing out to try to do something for God, focus on Him and having Him work in you. Does this mean we should wait to evangelize until we are ready? No, evangelizing is one of God's great ways of growing us, but make sure that you're praying to be conformed to the image of Christ and striving and praying for God to work in your life to sanctify you. Becoming Christ-like is something I've learned a lot about recently. How that being a man is more than just macho-ness, maturity, and knowledge. Being a man is about constantly striving after Christ and supplicating yourself to God's Will for you. Being a man is about taking the responsibility of your life and actions upon yourself and just striving after the image of Christ in word, thought, deed, and prayer. And I'm failing miserably, but I'm trying and praying for it to happen and it slowly is. As a great preacher says, "Wanting to be a Godly Man is half the battle." Just pray and strive to be conformed to the image of Christ. Just wanted to share with ya'll some things that have been on my mind recently.


Brenda said...

I love watching God grow you.

Bethany said...

hey lol i had never heard of it, but whoever it is left me a comment on my blog, so i checked it out. i dont really read it tho but i will when i get time =)