Thursday, October 23, 2008


I'm having really really really bad heartburn tonight...I'm literally burping acid. Disgusting. But oh well. This week's been pretty boring and slow. Except for today. I'm so glad God gave me today. First off this morning I was praying about my lesson for FCA and I heard God press upon my heart to change it to a walkthrough of some of the tests in 1st John. So I did. But I had little to no preparation. So I was praying a lot, asking for guidance and help. I hope it went well, I was shaking like a leave up there though, and it was a bit choppy and awkward, but it doesn't matter about the vessel, only the Word. I printed off some sheets detailing more in depth how to have assurance you are saved. I included some good websites on there. I only printed off 10 because I didn't anticipate that many people would be interested, but they were all gone after my lesson! I was so excited. And then God gave me the oppurtunity to hand out some tracts to people because they saw them in my backpack and wanted some! God is so good. And then all afternoon has been pretty much nothing much. Just enjoying being home. Tomorrow we have a game at Austin, then the next day we have a marching competition at Jacksonville AL. Projected time home= 3-4 AM. Then Church, then the reunion of the group? Maybe? Ms. Brenda if you read this before then tell me if we're having it. Assume everyone's in. Then I get to go preach...hopefully as a dying man to dying men and women...I heard that phrase today on....*gasp* TBN!!!! I watched like 3 minutes of it, and Kirk Cameron was interviewing someone, and I know what doctrine Kirk Cameron holds to so I thought it was pretty safe to watch. And the guy said that he had a sign on his door that says, "Preach like a dying man, to dying men and women. Preach as if it's your last chance to do so." And hopefully I will. I just need God for this. Pray for me for that please.

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