Monday, July 7, 2008

A Few Little Things

The last few days have been pretty fun. I have a few things to talk about though

1. I've handed out almost all of my tracts! :-) I started by going through the McDonalds drive-thru and handing them to the 1st and 2nd window people. I did this twice with the million dollar bills. It scared me at first. The girl went to my school. Oh no I thought. What if she slaps me, or makes fun of me at school, or yells at me, or spits in my food!? I handed it to her as she handed my change to me. I laughed and said here's a tip and I drove away quickly with my heart pumping furiously. Later I sent her a message and she said it was nice what I did because of various reasons and that it helped her. I'm praying for her, and I hope God works in her life to draw her closer. I've given out other ones, and it's a lot of fun, but the best part is witnessing one-on-one with someone.

2. I LOVE analogies. Which is a big reason Tiffany is my favorite girl. She's great at making analogies. I read a great analogy on a blog at It told about how going into the public to share your faith is like a battle. There are 4 different types of soldiers on our side:
Prayer Warriors: They speak to the commanding officer behind the lines.
Foot Soldiers: They do the hand-to-hand combat by distributing lots of tracts on the front lines.
Snipers: These are experts in one-to-one conversations. They target the sinner and nail him in the heart with the 10 Commandments, then finish him off with the Gospel.
Airmen: They carpet bomb by dropping their Gospel message wherever people are gathered.

I liked this analogy a lot, and going by what I like to do most and what I'm best at so far, I think I'm a sniper. What are you?

3. Ian called me Jacob today! Well, kinda like Shaychub. But close enough to be Jacob.

4. God's been answering my prayers in such an obvious and blunt way that it's shocked me. It's pretty amazing when you pray to be alone with someone for a few minutes to start the topic of God up in conversation, and immediately everyone else has to leave the room. Praise God. :-) It may seem small, but it's an amazing thing. I was so excited and joyful. My Lord had heard my prayer and had answered it. Oh, what a feeling.

So the last few days have been nice. So much more, but I'll talk about that later. Tomorrow we're going witnessing at 2. It'll be a lot of fun. More on that tomorrow, or the next day. Tomorrow is also my first day of work.

1 comment:

Nikioliee! said...

dude! we totally should one saturday. but idk if we should in front of the vbc i think we should stick to parks till we get good at it then maybe we could get stellarkart to come and i could open for them and you could preach?? yeah don't get too excited its just an idea! but its a cool one!!!!! love ya!