Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Witnessing and Work

So, witnessing tuesday wasn't that good. It was short and we didn't talk to many people. Handed out a lot of tracts. Oh well, you go out, make mistakes, and try again. Try, try, try, and try again. Remember that school thing? Try, and try again. If that fails try again. That's the Christian life this side of Heaven. Try to live like christ, try again, try to obey him, try again. Over and over and over and over. Our evangelical attempts Tuesday might have seemed like failures, but we don't know. We might have reached someone. As long as there is the chance someone will hear us and come to Christ, I'll be going out. Hopefully once a week. I'd like to have ya'll with me. Try, try, try, try, try, try to go out and spread the gospel to all creatures. So, who wants to go next time? Anyone? Does anyone still read this? So work was fun. Lots of dishes to wash. I washed a lot of dishes. Lots of washing dishes did I. I cooked some chicken adn bread too. That's about all. 5 hours of dishes, chicken, and bread. That's all I work this week too. :-(. Oh well, more time to do more important things.

God's beginning to tell me something I think.


Nikioliee! said...

i'm oober worried and i shouldn't be! i just gave my blogness to some friends of mine that i haven't talked to since crysallis and i don't know what they will think of it! pray for me!

Brenda said...

I am still reading. And I love what God is doing in your life. Just remember God is in all things. If witnessing did not go well Tuesday, it was for a reason. Maybe he was protecting you all, maybe he wants your faith to grow, lots of maybes. Just remember witnessing is about showing God's love to people. I love you, see you tonight.

Nikioliee! said...

thanks jacob thats really comforting.