Saturday, July 19, 2008


I hurt a lot. My ankle is twisted, my shoulder hurts if I move it, and my body in general is sore. Walls of Jericho was fun, but it was tough! I drove the Singer, Orangey, and the Hunter in my truck. It was 2 miles down (hour and a half walk) to a little swimming hole where we stayed and had lunch and I almost caught a Crawdad! There were tons of fish and tadpoles and I found some cool rocks and an Arrowhead! It was fun. The water was so COLD! Oh man! I jumped off the cliff into the water and it was crazy cold and I hit the bottom and scratched myself. Then we climbed up to the top area and Scott gave us a mini-sermon about going with God's Will like an Eagle with the wind. Then we ate lunch and I changed into my dry clothes and we walked back up. The walk back up was hard. So at the start of a 2 mile hike uphill I twist my ankle.....yeah. So I had to go the whole way on it, and my ankle did not like that one bit. We got back up to the top after about 2 hours and when we got in the truck my left ankle just got real big and my left leg's muscles locked up. But then we stopped at a gas station and I got a Vault and....guess what!....Have you guessed?......I got....FREE PIZZA! Only me though. I asked for some of the pizza they had behind the counter and the guy said I could just grab as many pieces as I wanted. I was a little hesitant because the way he said it sounded like he meant for free, so I asked him if it was free. He said yes. And I made sure again, then thanked him profusely and took 2 pieces od the sausagey, pepperoni-ey, cheesey pizza.. Hahaha, I gave Chase a piece when we got in the truck. Then we drove home listening to the Revival Hymn! I got home and my ankle was killing me. I told my mom and she told me to go down to Tenders and see if I could do anything sitting down. I did and they said not to worry about it since I did so well Tuesday and I was training. Then the manager told me to go on home and rest. I thanked him and went home. Then I got hom eand there was a man who I had seen a few times before and my mom and he were having a conversation. I wasn't paying too much attention until I realized that they were talking about God. Then I joined in on the conversation. Hahaha, I always know when I'm talking to a good Christian when we both are trying to talk because we're so excited and also trying to apologize and let the other go first because we want to hear. Hahaha, we talked about a little New Testament book he'd given my mom, and about the different translations of the Bible, and salvation, and a little more, but then he left before I could really start talking. :-(. Oh well. So when do ya'll want to go witnessing. Saturday ok with everyone? Any ways, so here I am and my family is out to eat with my Uncle Jimbo and Aunt Kathy. They're bringing me back some catfish!!! YUM!!! I love catfish.


Nikioliee! said...

oh man consider your pain felt! its difficult to move! yeah im feelin a bit better. love you too!

Brenda said...

Sounds like you all had a good time, even though you are sore. I love the analog of the the earth soaring with the wind. Did you like Jimmy's sermon last night. It really spoke to me, that is why I wanted to continue to decompress with no reunion group this week. We will pick it back up next week, or maybe over the weekend. Let me know. I love you guys. Brenda